Facial skin care is a multi-billion dollar industry in the U.S. and growing. There is no doubt that we care about our skin, are willing to try just about anything, and pay for it-sometimes handsomely. I’m often asked, as an aesthetic physician, what’s best for the skin. While I have my favorites, the most important thing to know is what makes up a good skin care regime and make sure you are covering the bases.
First, as we age our collagen production naturally drops off with time. Doing what we can to boost that production is key. Products that contain tissue growth factors can be helpful. Think collagen production and how your product is
CoolSculpting – Sculpt A New You
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What Is LaViv And How Does It Work To Make You Look Younger?
Good Morning all.
Fresh from a very interesting conference in Miami, I thought I’d share some of the new devices and techniques on the horizon in non-invasive cosmetic medicine.
Gone are the days of collagen. Back n the day, one would be skin tested for collagen prior to injection due to the high allergic reaction rate.
Can The Right Skin Care Routine Reduce Wrinkles And Increase Collagen? You Bet It Can!
Facial skin care is a multi-billion dollar industry in the U.S. and growing. There is no doubt that we care about our skin, are willing to try just about anything, and pay for it-sometimes handsomely. I’m often asked, as an aesthetic physician, what’s best for the skin. While I have my favorites, the most important thing to know is what makes up a good skin care regime and make sure you are covering the bases.
First, as we age our collagen production naturally drops off with time. Doing what we can to boost that production is key. Products that contain tissue growth factors can be helpful. Think collagen production and how your product is
Replacing Lost Collagen Has Never Been Easier
Look at the amazing results this patient had after being treated with Sculptra! Sculptra is a facial injectable that replaces lost collagen. The results are long lasting and appear subtly over time.
Melt Stubborn Fat Away
The Truth About Beauty Sleep
Good morning readers. I hope you had a good night’s rest and not just to feel great. Studies show that the concept of beauty sleep is not all myth and has basis in reality. A study performed by John Axelsson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden looked at this very thing.
Is Botox Good For More Than Frown Lines?
Much has been written about Botox and its benefits for reduction in the appearance of lines on the face such as those pesky frown lines between the eyes. Recently there has been more and more use of Botox to help chronic migraine sufferers. While there is no doubt about the benefit cosmetically, what does Botox actually do for our headaches?
Freeze Your Fat Away
Sunhats – Wear Them!
Whether you are headed for a tropical vacation in the strong Caribbean