Now you can take care of that double chin!

KYBELLA Patient Before and After (Side View)

Did you know that according to a 2014 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, nearly as many consumers are bothered by their double chin (68%) as by lines and wrinkles around the eyes (71%)? In fact, the condition, which can make you look older and heavier, even has a name. It’s called submental fullness, and it can be difficult to get rid of on your own. Because submental fullness can be influenced by multiple factors, like aging and genetics, sometimes, no matter how much you diet or exercise, your double chin may not go away.

Here’s the good news: our office is now offering KYBELLA™ (deoxycholic acid) injection, the first and only FDA-approved injectable drug that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness. When injected into subcutaneous fat, KYBELLA™ causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed,those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

How KYBELLA™ Works
KYBELLA™ is a non-human and non-animal formulation of deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected  into subcutaneous fat, KYBELLA™ causes the destruction of fat cells.  Once destroyed, those cells can not store or accumulate fat.

How Long Before Seeing Results
With this nonsurgical treatment, many patients experience visible results in two to four treatment sessions spaced at least one month apart. Up to six treatments may be administered. Treatment with KYBELLA™ is customized by Dr Baskin to the patient’s aesthetic goals for an improved chin profile. Each in-office treatment session is typically 15-20 minutes.  KYBELLA™ treatments typically have high patient satisfaction. 79% of patients treated with KYBELLA™ reported satisfaction with the appearance of their face and chin.Side Effects

The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness and formation of areas of hardness in the treatment area. In clinical trials, the incidence and severity of most side effects decreased with subsequent KYBELLA™ treatments. KYBELLA™ has been the focus of a global clinical development program involving over 20 clinical studies with more than 2,600 patients worldwide, of which 1,600 have been treated with KYBELLA™.

Talk to Dr. Baskin to determine if KYBELLA™ might be right for you, or to learn more about KYBELLA™ visit